Moral Reconation Therapy Class

Moral Reconcilliation
Moral Reconcilliation

12-Week Court-Approved Course – 

According to the National Resource Center for Permanency and Family Connections, Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) is a systematic treatment strategy that seeks to decrease recidivism among juvenile and adult criminal offenders by increasing moral reasoning. Its cognitive-behavioral approach combines elements from a variety of psychological traditions to progressively address ego, social, moral, and positive behavioral growth.

●  MRT takes the form of group counseling using structured group exercises and prescribed homework assignments.

●  The MRT workbook is structured around 16 objectively defined steps (units) focusing on seven basic treatment issues:

○ Confrontation of Beliefs,

○  Attitudes, and Behaviors;

○  Assessment of Current Relationships;

○  Reinforcement of Positive Behavior and Habits;

○  Positive Identity Formation;

○  Enhancement of Self-Concept;

○  Decrease in Hedonism and Development of Frustration

Tolerance; And

○  Development of Higher Stages of Moral Reasoning.

Participants meet in groups once weekly and can complete all steps of the MRT program in 12 weeks.

At CAS, we use the MRT workbook developed by the creators of MRT, Dr. Gregory Little and Dr. Kenneth Robinson, How to Escape your Prison: A Moral Reconation Therapy Workbook. This book is the #1 MRT workbook in the world, and its 152 pages address all of the issues related to criminal thinking and criminal needs.

The MRT program at CAS is offered to clients based on their charge. Contact us for more information about the program, pricing, and scheduling your first day of MRT.

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